In this chapter, Plantinga talks about vocation in the kingdom of God. He says that we are all commissioned to be good citizens in the kingdom of God. He refers to someone who accepts this commission with enthusiasm as a 'prime citizen' of the the kingdom. The things of God seem sweet to a prime citizen and they long for the kingdom to come. This person wants God to make things right in the world and takes up a role in that process. The first organization that God uses to bring about his kingdom is the Christian church. God also uses other organizations and means to bring his kingdom such as governments who protect freedom and administer justice.
This chapter was a very interesting one for me to read. It was defiantly a section where I was constantly wrestling with the text to try and see how exactly all of this lines up with God's Word and my beliefs. I think that he is on the right track, but it is very hard for me to tell because these issues are not mentioned often and in very much detail in Scripture.
Plantinga then moved on to talk about vocation and education. He talked about how secular education fails to give students a Christian philosophy of life and vocation. It also doesn't give them a philosophy of good and evil from the perspective of creation, fall, and redemption. It is very difficult for Christian students to get the full picture of education and its spiritual implications from a secular institution. Christian education, on the other hand, seeks continuity between faith and learning. Plantinga says, "In this way your Christian higher education may serve both as your present vocation and as your preparation for a life long vocation as a prime citizen of the kingdom."
I completely agree with what Plantinga says in this section. A Christian philosophy of learning is vitally important for all Christians. I feel that Christian students in a secular educational environment do not know what they are missing. The fact that we are Christians should completely change the way we view education. If we truly believe what we claim to, there is something going on around us that is of eternal importance and this reality should change the way we see every subject and discipline.
Brandon, I thought what you had to say about Christians and secular colleges was interesting. Though I do believe that Christian education is important, I can not say that it is right for everyone. One, because of the money that it costs. And two, God can call us to different areas than other people. Though I am blessed to be at Calvin College, I can honestly say that the majority of my Christian friends all went to secular colleges and while keeping in touch with them, I have seen their faith take wings. I feel that whether secular or Christian, it all depends on where God is calling them.